Introduction Emergency Telephone Numbers Alarm Announcements Bomb Threat Procedures Building/Tenant Fire Safety Earthquake Elevator Malfunction Evacuation Procedures Hazardous Material Leak/Environmental Emergency Hostage Situation Medical Emergencies Natural Gas Emergency Power Failure Procedures Severe Weather Tenant Fire Safety Plan Thefts and Suspicious Occurrences Water Interruption or Flood
Tenant Fire Safety Plan

A. Tenant Responsibilities

  1. Each tenant is asked to assign a minimum of one Fire Warden and one Assistant Fire Warden per floor or office suite, and one Searcher and one Alternate per 20 employees. If a tenant occupies more than one floor, a Fire Warden and an Assistant Fire Warden should be assigned per floor.
  2. Those assigned as Fire Wardens and Assistant Fire Wardens should attend training sessions once a year, which are provided by Building Management.
  3. Tenants are responsible for keeping an up-to-date list of special needs employees and providing them to Building Management.

B. Fire Warden Responsibilities

  1. Fire Wardens should know and be able to identify all employees. Have an employee list including cell numbers available for accountability at your company’s predetermined meeting area.
  2. Maintain an up-to-date list of special needs employees and provide this list to Building Management.
  3. Notify building personnel at the Lobby of the location of special needs employees. If the mobility-impaired person is in immediate danger, notify 911 or firefighters.
  4. Order evacuation of employees if danger is present.

C. Emergency Procedures

1. If there is a fire on a floor and the alarm has not sounded, the Fire Warden or person finding the fire is to:

  • Close any doors to the fire areas
  • Pull the alarm in the nearest stairwell
  • Call 911 from a safe area
  • Notify 911 and building personnel of special needs employee locations
  • Evacuate the area or floor immediately

2. In the event that the alarm is sounded, the procedures outlined below are to be followed:

  • Fire Wardens are to put on a red cap (provided by Building Management), so tenants or the fire department can easily identify them. Fire Wardens should also carry a flashlight.
  • Follow the instructions over the public address system to evacuate the floor and proceed to your company predetermined meeting area.
  • When the fire department has arrived on site they will take control of the situation. When instructed by the fire department, Fire Wardens are to prepare their group to evacuate if they have not already done so and follow directions based upon the fire department instructions.
  • When evacuating, proceed to the nearest stairwell. At that time everyone is to proceed down the stairwell to evacuate the building and to your pre-designated assembly area. DO NOT TAKE FOOD, DRINKS, WATER BOTTLES OR LARGE ITEMS INTO THE STAIRS. DO NOT USE CELL PHONES IN THE STAIRWELLS. EXIT, THEN TWEET OR CALL!
  • Any area affected by fire or smoke is to be evacuated immediately. If safe, Fire Wardens should make certain any or all doors leading into such an area are closed after checking that everyone is out of the area.
  • The Fire Warden can order relocation to another floor to access an alternate stairwell if the evacuation stairwell is blocked or danger is present.
  • If the occupants of a floor not already evacuated are directed by the fire department to leave the floor, it is to be done by way of stairwells.
  • Elevators are not safe in such an emergency and will be taken out of service from the Fire Command Center.
  • When evacuating, Fire Wardens are to lead the people downward in the stairwell, making certain they stay on the far right leaving room for fire fighters to use the stairwell easily. Also, people should not run or talk in the stairwell as the noise may hinder them from hearing instructions.
  • Evacuation of the building occurs through the building stairwells. Each floor has two stairwells, which are clearly marked with exit signs. Two-hour fire doors and walls protect the stairwells. Upon entering the stairwell and proceeding downward, tenants can re-enter the building on the re-entry floors, which are prominently identified (see diagram at the end of this section) to gain access to the alternate stairwell. This should be used should the stairwell in use be blocked.
  • Remember, if the building is to be evacuated per fire department instructions, leave immediately by way of the stairwells. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS!
  • During fire drills if the fire department has evacuated the building, tenants will vacate the building and meet at Writer’s Square at 15th Street & Larimer Street to await further instructions. (This is for drills only; go to your designated assembly area in an actual emergency.)
  • The following procedures have been implemented to provide maximum safety for anyone who is special needs in this building:
    • A comprehensive list of special needs people and where they are located is kept in the Management Office and the Fire Command Center at all times for use during any type of emergency. Included in the listing are:
      • 1) the person’s name; 2) the floor on which he/she works; 3) the name of the Fire Warden responsible; 4) the nature of the special needs individual and, 5) the name of their buddy and alternate buddy.
    • We ask that each Fire Warden assign at least two people to be the special needs person’s “buddy.” In this way, someone is always able to be with the special needs person.
    • In the event of an emergency, the special needs person should never be left alone. The “buddy” should always take the special needs person to the nearest stairwell landing when there is smoke or fire.
    • Special needs persons are to remain on the stairwell landing at all times with their “buddy” until the fire department arrives. If the mobility-impaired person is in immediate danger for any reason, call 911. If phones are not working, walk down the stairs and inform building personnel & firefighters.
  • The Fire Wardens should keep an updated employee file listing with cell phone numbers, on a daily basis, all employees on vacation, out sick, etc. The Management Office should also have a complete employee list on file. In case of an emergency, all employees need to be accounted for with the assistance of each Fire Warden. The importance of this is paramount due to the fact that the fire department will re-enter the “danger areas” to look for all unaccounted employees.

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